The 7 Best Beginner Piano Books for Adults

The best beginner piano book for adults is “Adult Piano Adventures” by Nancy and Randall Faber. This book offers a progressive and engaging approach to learning the piano, with a focus on both music theory and practical skills.

Learning to play the piano as an adult can be a daunting task, but having a good beginner book can make all the difference. The “Adult Piano Adventures” book series by Nancy and Randall Faber is an excellent choice for anyone looking to start playing the piano.

It’s a comprehensive and engaging program that teaches both music theory and practical skills. The book series is designed to take adult learners from the very basics to a level where they can play real music confidently. The program is thorough but not overwhelming, with clear explanations and plenty of exercises to help solidify concepts. Whether you’re a complete beginner or just looking to brush up on your skills, the “Adult Piano Adventures” series is an excellent resource.

Why Use A Piano Method Book?

A piano method book is essential for adults learning the piano as it provides structured lessons, well-organized theory, and systematic practice routines to progress with confidence. Choosing the best beginner piano book for adults can make the learning more engaging, motivating, and rewarding.

Learning a new skill, such as playing the piano, can be an exciting challenge for anyone. Many adults have the desire to learn how to play, but might not be sure where to start. The best beginner piano book can make all the difference in mastering this instrument.

We will discuss why using a piano method book is essential to a beginner’s journey.

Structure And Guidance

Learning piano without proper guidance can be frustrating and overwhelming. A beginner piano book offers structure and guidance to ensure a solid foundation. The book’s organization and progressive difficulty allow for steady growth, allowing the learner to build upon skills learned previously.

Proper Technique

Playing the piano with improper technique can lead to frustration, and even injury. Piano method books provide guidance on proper hand and finger placement, posture, and overall technique. This is crucial to avoid developing bad habits early in the learning process.

Comprehensive Curriculum

The best beginner piano books have a comprehensive curriculum that covers all aspects of playing the instrument. From learning musical notes and rhythm to more advanced techniques, a method book covers all the bases. This comprehensive approach allows the learner to progress at their own pace while covering all the essential elements of playing the piano.

Interactive Learning

A great benefit of using a piano method book is interactive learning. Many books include online resources such as videos and recordings that enhance the learning experience. Interactive learning allows the learner to see and hear the proper technique, making it easy to understand and replicate.


Paying for private piano lessons can add up quickly. Investing in a beginner piano book is a cost-effective way to start learning this instrument. While a private instructor has its benefits, using a method book as a supplement or primary learning source can save money in the long run.

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Final Thoughts

While there are many ways to learn the piano, using a beginner piano book is the most structured, cost-effective, and comprehensive approach. A method book is designed to take you step-by-step through the learning process and helps you avoid developing bad habits early on.

The benefits are numerous, giving you the tools necessary to start your piano journey with confidence.

Things To Consider When Buying A Beginner Piano Book For Adults

Selecting the best beginner piano book for adults can be a tricky task, considering there is a plethora of options available. When buying a beginner piano book, be sure to consider the book’s structure, layout, theory lessons, song selection, personal preferences, and goals.

Learning to play the piano as an adult can be an exciting journey, but it can also be a daunting task, especially if you don’t have the right resources to guide you through the process. A beginner piano book for adults can be an excellent starting point in your piano-learning journey, but with so many publications available, finding the right one can be a challenge.

We’ll highlight some crucial things to consider when buying a beginner piano book for adults.

Skill Level

When choosing a beginner piano book for adults, it’s essential to evaluate your skill level accurately. Some beginner piano books cater to absolute beginners who are looking to learn the basics, while others are intended for individuals who already have some experience playing the piano.

Select a beginner piano book that matches your current level to avoid frustration or boredom.

Music Genre

The music genre is a crucial factor to consider when buying a beginner piano book for adults. While some books feature a mix of classical and contemporary music, others concentrate on a particular music genre. Consider the type of music you’re interested in learning to play and choose a beginner piano book that aligns with your preferences.

Learning Style

People have varying learning styles, and the type of beginner piano book that works for you is dependent on your learning style. Some books use a combination of exercises and theory to teach, while others use more visual cues such as graphics and images.

Choose a beginner piano book that aligns with your preferred learning style for a more effective learning experience.


The author of a beginner piano book can have a significant impact on the learning experience. Look for books authored by seasoned pianists or music instructors who have a proven track record of success. You may also consider reviews and ratings of previous users to determine the effectiveness of a particular beginner piano book.


The format of a beginner piano book is another essential factor to consider. Some books come in digital format, while others are physical copies. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of each format, such as cost, convenience, and accessibility, before settling on a book format.

Selecting the right beginner piano book for adults is crucial to a successful learning experience. Consider your skill level, music genre, learning style, author, and book format before making a purchase. With these factors in mind, you’re well on your way to becoming the pianist you’ve always dreamed of.

Are Piano Lesson Books Still Worth It In 2024?

Piano lesson books can still be valuable. However, with many free online resources available, it’s important to find a beginner piano book that’s engaging and well-structured. The Alfred’s Basic Adult Piano Course provides a solid foundation for adult learners seeking structure and guidance.

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The trend of learning piano has picked up the pace in recent years, with an increasing number of adults opting for an entry into the world of music. As a result, the market has flooded with several piano lesson books specifically designed for beginners.

However, the question arises, are piano lesson books still worth it in 2024? Read on to find out.

Understanding The Relevance Of Piano Lesson Books

Learning to play the piano requires structured guidance and dedication. While online resources can provide a broad spectrum of knowledge, piano lesson books remain a trusted source of comprehensive and sequential learning.

Here are some reasons why piano lesson books still hold relevance in 2024:

  • Foundation Building: Piano lesson books are an excellent source to establish strong basics. They provide a structured curriculum, breaking down complex concepts into more manageable components, ensuring a smooth learning curve.
  • Mental and Physical Exercise: Piano lessons not only improve hand-eye coordination and motor skills but also work as an excellent mental workout. Regular practice promotes discipline and sharpens concentration skills.
  • Affordable: Piano lesson books are a cost-efficient alternative to one-on-one piano classes and online subscriptions. They offer a comprehensive learning experience without digging a hole in your pocket.

Factors To Consider While Choosing A Beginner Piano Book

Choosing the right beginner piano book is vital to a great start. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Learning Style: Everyone has unique learning styles. Some may prefer a visual representation of notes, while some may understand better through explanations. Understanding one’s preferences will lead to quicker progress.
  • Genre: Although classical music is a common starting point, choosing a beginner piano book based on a genre of interest can be a game-changer in maintaining motivation in practice.
  • Difficulty Level: Choosing a beginner book that offers a balance between simplicity and challenges is crucial to keep the learning process engaging and fun.

Top Picks For Beginner Piano Books

Here are three top picks for beginner piano books:

  • Alfred’s Basic Adult Piano Course: This series has remained a popular choice and offers a comprehensive guide for beginners, designed for self-teaching. It has a straightforward approach to teaching progressions, technique, and music theory.
  • Bastien Piano Basics: A classic choice for beginner piano books. This book promises to cover an array of style and technique in its introductory pages, including finger scales, key signature recognition, and note identification.
  • The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Playing Piano: Don’t let the name fool you. It’s anything but idiotic. This beginner piano book uses a simple language approach to teach piano. It includes play-along CDs and online support, ensuring a wholesome piano learning experience.

Conclusively, piano lesson books remain a relevant, comprehensive and affordable source of piano education, and choosing the right beginner book is crucial for a smooth learning curve.

The 7 Best Beginner Piano Books For Adults

Discover the 7 best beginner piano books for adults that will guide you to master the basics of playing the piano in no time. With clear instructions and practice exercises, these books are perfect for those starting their musical journey.

Learning piano as an adult is a rewarding experience, and choosing the right beginner piano book is essential. With so many options to choose from, finding the best one can be overwhelming. To help you make an informed decision, we have compiled a list of the 7 best beginner piano books for adults.

These books will take you from the basics of piano-playing to more advanced techniques, and provide you with an excellent foundation for your musical journey.

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Alfred’s Basic Adult Piano Course

  • This is a comprehensive book series that comes with CDs and DVDs to help with learning.
  • The course starts with the rudimentary practice of playing keys and notes, followed by various exercises and songs to practice.
  • The books include popular songs like Children of the Rainbow and Danny Boy, which keep students motivated.
  • Alfred’s Basic Adult Piano Course is perfect for students with no prior musical experience, and beginners who want to start learning from scratch.

Piano For Dummies

  • Piano For Dummies has an easy-to-understand teaching style that suits even the most inexperienced students.
  • The book starts with basic music concepts, hand positioning, and covers topics like notation, rhythm, and meter.
  • The book has many visuals, diagrams, and multimedia to help students learn more effectively.
  • The book includes many practical exercises, songs, and downloadable music sheets to help students practice and perfect their skills.

Beginner Piano Essentials

  • The Beginner Piano Essentials is ideal for students who appreciate a more structured approach to learning.
  • It is a comprehensive book that covers all the basics of piano-playing, including hand positions, chords, scales, and exercises.
  • The book includes well-known songs like Amazing Grace, Greensleeves, and The Entertainer.
  • This book is perfect for anyone interested in mastering the essentials of playing the piano.

Hal Leonard Piano For Adults

  • Hal Leonard Piano for Adults is one of the most popular and widely-used piano books for beginners.
  • It provides a solid foundation for students transitioning from beginner to intermediate level playing.
  • The book includes play-along tracks and has a gradual learning curve that makes it easy for beginners to advance without feeling overwhelmed.
  • Hal Leonard Piano for Adults offers an excellent combination of theory and practical exercises.

Faber Adult Piano Adventures

  • Faber Adult Piano Adventures is a popular choice, particularly for self-learners.
  • The book includes easy-to-follow instructions, tips, and techniques, making it ideal for self-study and home practice.
  • The book is designed to take students from beginner to advanced level, with a strong emphasis on building skills and knowledge.
  • Faber Adult Piano Adventures also has plenty of fun exercises and songs for students to practice.

The Complete Idiot’s Guide To Music Theory

  • The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Music Theory is perfect for adult learners who want to learn the basics of music theory in an easy-to-understand format.
  • The book provides an introduction to music theory, including scales, modes, harmony, melody, and notation.
  • It also includes plenty of exercises, sample compositions, and practical applications of music theory concepts.
  • The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Music Theory is an excellent choice for students interested in complementing their piano training with an understanding of the theoretical side of music.

John Thompson’s Modern Course For The Piano

  • John Thompson’s Modern Course for the Piano is one of the most popular piano books for beginners.
  • It employs a unique and innovative teaching style that makes learning easier and more enjoyable.
  • The book uses a combination of traditional and modern teaching methods, with a focus on developing musicality and expression.
  • John Thompson’s Modern Course for the Piano is perfect for adult learners who want to start learning the piano more seriously.

Choosing the right beginner piano book is crucial, and with this list, you can find the best one to meet your needs and preferences. These books are a combination of classical and modern teaching styles, perfect for adult learners who want to start playing the piano and progress to advanced levels.

So, grab your preferred beginner piano book, sit at your piano, and start playing. Happy learning!


To conclude, learning to play the piano as an adult can seem daunting, but with the right beginner piano book, it can be an enjoyable and rewarding journey. After conducting extensive research and analysis, the best beginner piano book for adults is the Alfred’s Basic Adult Piano Course.

Not only does it provide a comprehensive and gradual approach to learning, but it also includes popular tunes that keep learners motivated. With this book, anyone can become a skilled pianist in no time.

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