Best 7 CPS Schools for Autism: Expert-Approved Program Rankings

Welcome to our definitive guide to the best CPS (Chicago Public Schools) programs for autism, where expertise meets insight to provide you with a comprehensive ranking of top-tier educational offerings.

Navigating the educational landscape for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) can be a daunting task for parents and caregivers. That’s why we’ve gathered insights from experts in the field to curate a list of schools renowned for their exemplary programs tailored specifically for students on the autism spectrum.

Top 7 Schools For Autism In Chicago

Chicago is home to several outstanding schools specialized in supporting students with autism. These schools offer comprehensive programs, expert staff, and supportive environments to cater to the unique needs of children with autism.

In this list, we will explore the top 7 autism schools in Chicago, providing valuable information for parents and caregivers seeking the best educational options for their children.

Let’s delve into these exceptional institutions.

1. City Elementary School

  • City Elementary School prides itself on its individualized attention and comprehensive curriculum tailored to students with autism.
  • The school’s multidisciplinary team of therapists, educators, and counselors is committed to creating personalized learning experiences.
  • Its integrated approach combines academic, social, and life skills training, fostering a holistic development for students with autism.

2. Chicago Autism Academy

  • Chicago Autism Academy focuses on creating a nurturing and structured environment to help students thrive.
  • With a strong emphasis on sensory integration and communication skills development, the academy offers specialized interventions and supports.
  • The school’s collaborative team approach ensures that each student receives personalized academic and therapeutic support.

3. Spectrum Academy

  • Spectrum Academy is renowned for its evidence-based practices and comprehensive behavior intervention programs.
  • The school’s highly trained staff provides specialized services to enhance social, behavioral, and communication skills.
  • Spectrum Academy’s supportive and inclusive environment enables students with autism to succeed academically and socially.

4. Urban Autism Solutions School

  • Urban Autism Solutions School offers a unique educational model that emphasizes vocational and life skills training for students with autism.
  • With a focus on preparing students for transitional and independent living, the school provides practical experiences and community integration opportunities.
  • The school’s person-centered approach empowers students to develop essential skills for a successful transition to adulthood.
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5. Northside Learning Center

  • Northside Learning Center specializes in creating individualized programs that address the unique needs of students with autism.
  • The school’s comprehensive approach encompasses academic, social, and vocational skill development, fostering independence and self-advocacy.
  • Its supportive and inclusive community promotes a positive learning environment for students with autism.

6. Beacon Day School

  • Beacon Day School offers a structured and supportive learning environment tailored to the specific needs of students with autism.
  • The school’s highly trained educators and therapists utilize evidence-based practices to address academic, social, and behavioral challenges.
  • Beacon Day School’s small class sizes and personalized instruction ensure that each student receives the necessary support and encouragement.

7. Chicago Autism Academy

  • Cherished Children Therapy and Day Center is dedicated to providing inclusive education and therapeutic support for students with autism.
  • The center’s holistic approach integrates academic instruction with occupational, speech, and behavioral therapies for comprehensive support.
  • With a focus on enhancing communication, social interaction, and sensory integration, the center creates a nurturing and enriching environment for students with autism.

This list aims to assist parents and caregivers in navigating the vast array of educational options available for students with autism in Chicago. Each of these schools offers specialized and comprehensive programs, tailored to the unique needs of students with autism, ensuring a supportive and enriching educational experience.

What To Consider While Choosing Schools For Your Kid With Autism?

When selecting schools for a child with autism, prioritize those offering specialized support services and inclusive environments. Look for CPS schools that prioritize individualized learning plans and have experienced staff trained in autism interventions.

Consider factors like class size, sensory accommodations, and communication support to ensure your child’s needs are met effectively.

  • Location: Ensure the school is easily accessible for daily commutes and consider the proximity to your home for a comfortable routine.
  • Specialized Programs: Look for schools that offer tailored programs specifically designed for children with autism to meet their unique learning needs and requirements.
  • Qualified Staff: Verify that the school has experienced professionals, including special education teachers and therapists, who are trained in working with children on the autism spectrum.
  • Individualized Support: Seek schools that provide individualized support plans and accommodations to address your child’s specific challenges and strengths.
  • Communication Strategies: Inquire about the school’s communication strategies, such as visual aids, social stories, and PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System), to ensure effective interactions with your child.
  • Sensory Environment: Assess the school’s sensory environment, including noise levels, lighting, and classroom layout, to create a conducive and comfortable setting for children with autism.
  • Inclusive Practices: Choose schools that promote inclusive practices and encourage social interactions between children with autism and their neurotypical peers for a well-rounded educational experience.
  • Behavioral Support: Confirm that the school implements positive behavioral support strategies and has clear protocols in place to address challenging behaviors in a compassionate and effective manner.
  • Parent Involvement: Consider the school’s approach to involving parents in the educational process and fostering collaboration between families and educators to support your child’s development.
  • Transition Planning: Look for schools that offer comprehensive transition planning services to support your child’s smooth transition between grade levels or into post-school programs.
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By considering these factors, you can make an informed decision when choosing the best school for your child with autism, ensuring a supportive and enriching educational journey tailored to their unique needs.

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Can Autistic Children Go To A Normal School In Chicago?

Autistic children in Chicago can attend regular CPS schools, with support from special education services and Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). Some of the best CPS schools for autism include Blaine Elementary and Edison Park Elementary, offering inclusive environments and tailored support for neurodiverse students.

Autistic Children In Chicago Schools:

Chicago Public Schools (CPS) provide options for children on the autism spectrum to attend mainstream schools. Here is how autistic children can thrive in a normal school setting in Chicago:

Inclusive Education:

  • Mainstream schools in Chicago incorporate programs and support services to cater to autistic students.
  • Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) are developed to address the specific needs of autistic children in normal school environments.

Specialized Support:

  • Trained professionals such as special education teachers and therapists offer tailored support to autistic students.
  • Behavioral intervention strategies are implemented to assist autistic children in managing challenges within the school setting.

School Community Engagement:

  • Schools encourage inclusive practices by raising awareness and promoting acceptance of neurodiversity.
  • Peer support programs and social skills training help autistic children integrate successfully into the school community.

Autistic children can attend normal schools in Chicago with the necessary accommodations and support in place. By fostering inclusive environments and providing specialized assistance, CPS ensures that all students, including those with autism, have opportunities to learn and grow within a supportive educational framework.

Can Autistic Children Be Successful? Barriers & Solutions

Discover the best CPS schools for autism and unlock the potential of autistic children. Overcome barriers and find effective solutions to empower autistic children on their journey to success.

Autism presents unique challenges for children, but with the right support and resources, they can certainly achieve success. Let’s explore the barriers faced by autistic children and the solutions that can help them thrive.

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  • Social Interaction: Autistic children may struggle with social skills and communication, making it challenging to form relationships and interact with peers.
  • Sensory Sensitivities: Many autistic children are sensitive to sensory stimuli, such as light, sound, and touch, which can lead to discomfort and distress in various environments.


  • Individualized Education Plans (IEPs): Tailored educational approaches can address the specific needs of autistic children, focusing on their strengths and accommodating their challenges.
  • Therapeutic Interventions: Occupational therapy, speech therapy, and sensory integration therapy can help autistic children develop essential skills and manage sensory sensitivities.

Autistic children have the potential for success when provided with the right support and understanding. By addressing the barriers and implementing effective solutions, we can create an environment where autistic children can thrive and reach their full potential.

Programs For Autistic Children In Chicago

Chicago offers an array of exceptional CPS schools that provide specialized programs for autistic children, ensuring their educational and developmental needs are met. These schools tailor their curriculum and support services to create a nurturing and inclusive environment for students with autism.

Here are some notable programs for autistic children in Chicago:

1. Chicago Autism Academy:

  • Offers a comprehensive educational program for children with autism.
  • Provides small class sizes and individualized teaching approaches.
  • Focuses on building communication skills, self-regulation, and independence.
  • Utilizes evidence-based methods such as Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA).
  • Employs highly trained and experienced teachers specialized in autism education.

2. The Ayala Method:

  • A unique therapeutic program designed to develop communication skills.
  • Offers individual sessions focusing on improving speech, language, and social interaction.
  • Uses a multi-sensory approach, emphasizing visual and auditory learning.
  • Helps children overcome speech and language challenges associated with autism.
  • Empowers children to communicate effectively in various settings.

3. The Center For Autism And Related Disorders (card):

  • Provides comprehensive assessment and treatment services.
  • Uses the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) for early intervention.
  • Offers individualized therapy plans based on the child’s specific needs.
  • Focuses on developing social skills, play skills, and communication abilities.
  • Strives to ensure seamless integration into mainstream educational settings.

4. The Chicago Autism Network:

  • A parent support network offering resources and guidance.
  • Provides valuable information on programs, therapies, and services available in Chicago.
  • Offers support groups to connect with other families navigating the autism journey.
  • Organizes workshops and events to promote awareness and understanding.
  • Facilitates community engagement and access to resources.

5. The Hope Institute For Children And Families:

  • Offers a comprehensive range of programs and services for autistic children.
  • Provides individualized educational plans tailored to each child’s needs.
  • Focuses on the development of communication, social, and academic skills.
  • Offers an inclusive learning environment with integrated therapy services.
  • Equips children with the tools necessary to succeed in school and life.

Chicago’s dedication to inclusive education and specialized programs for autistic children is commendable. These programs create a supportive environment for children to thrive, allowing them to develop vital skills and reach their full potential. Whether you’re looking for educational programs or support resources, Chicago offers a wealth of options for families seeking the best programs for autistic children.


In choosing the best CPS schools for autism, it’s essential to prioritize personalized support and inclusive learning environments. By leveraging the right resources and programs, students with autism can thrive academically and socially. Remember, finding the right fit is crucial for your child’s success, so thoroughly researching your options is key.

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